
Justice and Theology Forum:

Twice a year we run a Justice and Theology Seminar. In the past, we have invited various speakers to present papers on subjects related to Justice and Theology, followed by a time of discussion and prayer. Topics have included: The Role of the Church in Reconciliation; True Prosperity: Contextual Reflections on the Prosperity Gospel and A Theology of Violence.

Experiential Learning:

Isiphambano recognises that for transformative learning to occur we need to both hear and experience truth in action. We therefore offer experiential learning opportunities which enable participants to experience, reflect on, and discuss what we see or hear through the framework of a cross centred, contextual theology. These experiential learning events would include aspects such as site visits, story-telling, creative arts and theological reflection. Potential experiences could include Story Telling across the Railway Line, A Forced Removals Experience or A History of the Church and Apartheid.

Study Cohort:

Study groups will be available for those wanting a more in-depth programme of reflection in understanding and applying cross-centred, contextual justice. These will consist of a series of set readings, monthly contact sessions, and a number of small assignments to be completed by the participants. Contact john@isiphambano for more information.

Seminars & Teaching:

Invite us to speak, train, or journey, with your church, organisation, or leadership as you consider how you may better embrace the vision of cross-centred contextual justice. Contact us at