
  What do we make of the past ten days in South Africa? How do we process the violent protests, looting, food shortages, apartheid-style racial profiling, and restriction of access to shops and communities? How do we sort through the short-term and long-term impact on our country? What are the underlying causes and how does...
Reconciliation has become something of a dirty word in South Africa, synonymous with a cheap reconciliation and a superficial notion of societal change. A concept which asks much of black people whilst asking relatively little of white people in return. A concept which deals with individual forgiveness but leaves unjust structural systems largely untouched. Nowhere...
I confess that this current moment of racial awakening in white society and in "evangelical" churches has me deeply conflicted. I have never seen so many prominent white or multi-ethnic (with white leadership inevitably) "evangelical" churches addressing issues of race and injustice concurrently. Of course, we have traditionally had the bi-annual sermon or workshop on racism or caring for the poor but nothing like the sheer volume of sermons, panel…
The aim of this Land and Restitution forum was to discuss these important issues biblically and contextually. To reflect on our history, our fears and ideologies and our current socio-economic and political context through the lens of cross-centred, contextual theology. To apply gospel thinking and practice to this crucial issue which is currently further exposing the divided state of the church along racial and economic lines. In this talk John…
The aim of this Land and Restitution forum was to discuss these important issues biblically and contextually. To reflect on our history, our fears and ideologies and our current socio-economic and political context through the lens of cross-centred, contextual theology. To apply gospel thinking and practice to this crucial issue which is currently further exposing the divided state of the church along racial and economic lines. In this talk Ryan…
The aim of this Land and Restitution forum was to discuss these important issues biblically and contextually. To reflect on our history, our fears and ideologies and our current socio-economic and political context through the lens of cross-centred, contextual theology. To apply gospel thinking and practice to this crucial issue which is currently further exposing the divided state of the church along racial and economic lines. In this talk Lindiwe…
The aim of the Land and Restitution forum was to discuss these important issues biblically and contextually. To reflect on our history, our fears and ideologies and our current socio-economic and political context through the lens of cross-centred, contextual theology. To apply gospel thinking and practice to this crucial issue which is currently further exposing the divided state of the church along racial and economic lines. In this talk Peter…
In this episode we explore the history of land in South Africa, the varied reactions of white and black Christians to the announcement of land expropriation without compensation, as well as the crucial link between restitution and repentance in the Bible with special guest Pastor Peter Makapela
Some of us might try to fight it but there is something psychologically compelling about the somewhat arbitrary changing of the calendar year that resonates with our desire for change. Amidst all the new gym memberships, course enrollments, and best intentions here are five relatively simple ways in which you might take some steps towards living more justly in 2018.