At our recent breakfast for Pastors and Church Leaders, John Scheepers, shared the vision and goals for Isiphambano. Calling for us to embrace a two-handed theology that both proclaims Jesus and embraces a new way of just living, both individually and collectively in South Africa today.
Jesus death on the cross is the comprehensive Jubilee event. It is through the death of Jesus that victory and liberation is brought to all of creation. The cross is not that which replaced the Jubilee (as if all the socio-political and economic aspects simply drop away leaving only a spiritual significance) it is the fulfillment of the Jubilee including the total redemptive accomplishment and final liberation from all that…
In this episode David Cloete and John Scheepers tackle the question: Why must it always be about race? Dealing with issues such as living in a racialized society, being colourblind and biblical diversity they explore what the Bible has to say about questions such as What is wrong with seeing race? Why do black people always play the race card? and Isn't there really only one race, the human race?
For over a hundred years the church has had running debates as to which is more important, social justice or gospel proclamation. In this session John Scheepers will briefly trace the importance of justice throughout the biblical story and call us to rediscover a cross centred justice movement at the heart of the gospel.
Isiphambano Centre for Biblical Justice is a study and training centre dedicated to developing a holistic, theological and cross-centred response to racial and economic injustice within the South African context.
We are a non-profit organization that is fully-funded by individual gifts and ministry partnerships. Your contribution will go directly toward the production of more gospel-centered, church-equipping resources.