
The work of Isiphambano is advanced through the generous donations and support of those who resonate with a vision of a reconciled and just South Africa. Please consider becoming a partner in this ministry by financial giving either through a once off gift or regular monthly giving.

We are a non-profit organization that is fully funded by individual gifts and ministry partnerships. Your contribution will go directly toward the production of more cross-centred and contextual resources.

Please consider making either a once-off donation or becoming a regular monthly giver.

Bank: Standard Bank

Account Name: Isiphambano Centre for Biblical Justice

Account Number: 070629609

Branch: Victoria Road Service Centre

Branch Code: 020909

Swift Code: SBZA ZA JJ


South African based donors may also donate via SnapScan:

Overseas Donations:

Overseas donors may either use the above banking details and the provided SWIFT code or alternatively for credit card payments the PayFast platform may also be used, or via GivenGain