
Churches in post-apartheid South Africa have rightly emphasised the need for reconciliation and intercultural relationship building. For white people, this has often translated into strategies of inclusion and of sharing. For all their value, though, such approaches usually build on linguistic, cultural, material, and spiritual resources that are the norm for the historically privileged. What...
Christianity has been subject to European dominance of the faith for over a thousand years, Dr Havey Kwiyani contends. However, over the last century as Christianity has increasingly transformed into a world religion at home in a multitude of contexts there has been an increasing dissatisfaction with a gospel clothed primarily in Western culture. The cry has resounded for a decolonised Christianity. The necessary work of Christian decolonial efforts has,…
This seminar raises questions concerning our inherited methods of biblical interpretation developed as they were by the beneficiaries of colonisation may (inadvertently?) perpetuate theologies of oppression and injustice. Our inherited Western hermeneutics values a heavily rationalistic, objective reading of Scripture, detached from the context of the reader. These interpretative methods seldom produce theology to challenge the power and the privileged. This seminar will instead explore a hermeneutical method that is…
In part two of our Redeeming Reconciliation series (watch part one here) Ryan Saville sat down with One Mokgatle and Jennie Tsekwa to talk about the practicalities of reconciliation. How do we actually practice reconciliation when our country and our churches remain so divided and divisive? How do we work towards deep and meaningful reconciliation in a context saturated with cheap concepts of reconciliation? What do meaningful acts of reconciliation…
Reconciliation has become something of a dirty word in South Africa, synonymous with a cheap reconciliation and a superficial notion of societal change. A concept which asks much of black people whilst asking relatively little of white people in return. A concept which deals with individual forgiveness but leaves unjust structural systems largely untouched. Nowhere...
What if the gospel was so much bigger, richer, and more beautiful than you realised? What if the gospel was not only about heaven one day but also the inbreaking Kingdom of God today? What if the gospel was not only about forgiveness for sinners but liberation from oppression too? What if both of these...
Sharpeville, 21 March 1960. 69 dead. 180 injured. The history of our country is one of repeated and systematic human rights abuses. In this seminar, Moss Nthla in conversation with Ryan Saville explores our history of human rights violations, as well as the presence and witness of the church during apartheid. They will further discuss...
In this online seminar Pastor Brian Koela, in conversation with David Cloete, explores Jeremiah's letter to the exiles (Jeremiah 29:1-8) in particular his injunction that they "seek the peace of the city". What might it mean for us to seek the peace and prosperity of our own very different cities, paying particular attention to the call to repentance and shalom (peace)?